2024 4th International Conference on Electronic Information Engineering and Computer Science



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Prof. Qing Li, IEEE Fellow, IET/IEE Fellow

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Qing Li is currently a Chair Professor (Data Science) and the Head of the Department of Computing, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Formerly, he was the founding Director of the Multimedia software Engineering Research Centre (MERC), and a Professor at City University of Hong Kong where he worked in the Department of Computer Science from 1998 to 2018. Prior to these, he has also taught at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and the Australian National University (Canberra, Australia). Prof. Li served as a consultant to Microsoft Research Asia (Beijing, China), Motorola Global Computing and Telecommunications Division (Tianjin Regional Operations Center), and the Division of Information Technology, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) in Australia. He has been an Adjunct Professor of the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) and the Wuhan University, and a Guest Professor of the Hunan University (Changsha, China) where he got his BEng. degree from the Department of Computer Science in 1982. He is also a Guest Professor (Software Technology) of the Zhejiang University (Hangzhou, China) -- the leading university of the Zhejiang province where he was born.

Prof. Li has been actively involved in the research community by serving as an associate editor and reviewer for technical journals, and as an organizer/co-organizer of numerous international conferences. Some recent conferences in which he is playing or has played major roles include APWeb-WAIM'18, ICDM 2018, WISE2017, ICDSC2016, DASFAA2015, U-Media2014, ER2013, RecSys2013, NDBC2012, ICMR2012, CoopIS2011, WAIM2010, DASFAA2010, APWeb-WAIM'09, ER'08, WISE'07, ICWL'06, HSI'05, WAIM'04, IDEAS'03,VLDB'02, PAKDD'01, IFIP 2.6 Working Conference on Database Semantics (DS-9), IDS'00, and WISE'00. In addition, he served as a programme committee member for over fifty international conferences (including VLDB, ICDE, WWW, DASFAA, ER, CIKM, CAiSE, CoopIS, and FODO). He is currently a Fellow of IEEE and IET/IEE, a member of ACM-SIGMOD and IEEE Technical Committee on Data Engineering. He is the chairperson of the Hong Kong Web Society, and also served/is serving as an executive committee (EXCO) member of IEEE-Hong Kong Computer Chapter and ACM Hong Kong Chapter. In addition, he serves as a councilor of the Database Society of Chinese Computer Federation (CCF), a member of the Big Data Expert Committee of CCF, and is a Steering Committee member of DASFAA, ER, ICWL, UMEDIA, and WISE Society.

Prof. Perry Ping Shum, President IEEE Photonics Society, 

IEEE Fellow, OSA Fellow, SPIE Fellow

Southern University of Science and Technology

Professor Perry Ping Shum, chair professor of the Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, Director of Guangdong Key Laboratory of Integrated Optoelectronics Intellisense, National Distinguished Expert, COS Fellow, IEEE Fellow, SPIE Fellow, OPTICA Fellow, President of IEEE Photonics Society. In the areas of fiber-based technology, laser, biophotonics, medical imaging and silicon photonics he has published 400 journal papers with about 20 thousand citations, and H-index of 70. In recent years, as the person in charge, he has been granted research funds of more than 60 million. He served as Director of the Network Technology Research Centre (NTRC), Photonics Centre of Excellence (OPTIMUS), and Centre for Optical Fibre Technology (COFT), and Associate Chair in charge of academic programs in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. During this period, a world-class fiber research/processing center was created, which enabling Singapore to have the ability to manufacture special fiber optics, special fiber lasers and sensors. He chaired several major international conferences, including CLEO-PR | OECC| PGC 2017; and initiator of several international conferences such as PGC, ICOCN, ICAIT, OGC, etc. He collaborates closely with universities and institutes worldwide.



Prof. Zheng Yan, IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow, AAIA Fellow, AIIA Fellow

Xidian University

Dr. Zheng Yan is currently a Huashan distinguished professor at Xidian University, China. She is a Fellow of IEEE, IET, AAIA, and AIIA. She received the B. Eng. in electrical engineering and the M. Eng. in computer science and engineering from Xi’an Jiaotong University in 1994 and 1997. She received a second M. Eng. in information security from the National University of Singapore in 2000. She earned the Licentiate of Science and the Doctor of Science in Technology in electrical engineering from Helsinki University of Technology in 2005 and 2007. She joined the Nokia Research Center in Helsinki in 2000, working as a senior researcher until 2011. She worked as a visiting professor and a Finnish Academy Fellow at Aalto University, Finland, for over seven years.

Her research interests are in cyber trust, security, privacy, and data analytics. She has led 30+ projects, sponsored by the EU, the Academy of Finland, NSFC, MOST, the telecom industry, etc. At the helm of a research team with 60+ members, she has supervised 160+ post-doctoral researchers and graduates. She has authored 390+ publications, with 260+ first and corresponding authorships featured prominently in top-tier venues. Ten of them are the top 0.1% or 1% of highly cited ESI papers. She is the sole author of two books on trust management, which she has utilized in teaching for a decade. 130+ patents (including 73 independent inventions) invented by her have been adopted by industry; a few of them have been incorporated into international standards and are widely used in practice by billions of users. She has delivered 40+ invited keynote speeches and talks at international conferences and at world-leading companies. Her Google Scholar citation is more than 15,000, with an H-index of 63.

Dr. Yan has been recognized as a Stanford World Top 2% Scientist since 2019 and an Elsevier Highly Cited Chinese Researcher since 2020. She has earned many accolades, including Distinguished Inventor of Nokia for significant technology contributions, N²Women Star in Computer Networking and Communications, IEEE TCSC Award for Excellence in Scalable Computing, ELEC Impact Award for patent contributions to Finnish society, the Best Journal Paper Award issued by IEEE ComSoc and several other Best Paper awards, 18 times IEEE Distinguished/Outstanding Leadership/Service awards, three EU awards, Excellent PhD Dissertation Supervisor Award of Chinese Society of Electronic Education, Shaanxi Nature Science Prize, etc. Her students have been rewarded with more than 50 national or international awards. Her excellence has been covered by the media on numerous occasions.

Prof. Zuqing Zhu 

IEEE Fellow, AAIA Fellow

University of Science and Technology of China

Zuqing Zhu is a full professor at the School of Information Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). Since January 2011, he has been leading the Intelligent Networking System and Future InterNet Infrastructure (INFINITE) Lab at USTC. Dr. Zhu is currently the Chair of the Technical Committee on Optical Networking (ONTC) of the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc). He has been the Lead Series Editor of the Optical Communications and Networks Series in IEEE Communications Magazine and is currently on the editorial boards of IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Optics Express, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Optical Switching and Networking (Elsevier), etc. Dr. Zhu is the Steering Committee Chair of the IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR), a Member-at-Large of the GLOBECOM/ICC Technical Content (GITC) Committee, and has been an IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer (2018–2021). He has published more than 360 papers in referred journals and conferences of IEEE and Optica. His h-index is 57 (from Google Scholar, 12/2023), his Google Scholar profile is here, and his ResearchGate profile can be found here. He has received the 2023 Distinguished Technical Achievement Award from the Communications Switching and Routing Technical Committee (CSR-TC) of ComSoc. Dr. Zhu is a Fellow of IEEE, a Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA), and a Senior Member of Optica (formerly OSA).
